Proper nutrition when playing sports


Before, during and after exercise, it is very important to replenish the water lost from the body. For this, it is better to drink still mineral water, natural juices or vitamin-mineral drinks (you should not drink any carbonated drinks such as Cola, Fanta, Sprite, etc.). The most effective way to replenish water loss is to gradually drink small portions of 25-50 ml during exercise. The total amount of liquid drunk during exercise can reach more than 200-250 ml. After exercise, you should drink up to 350-400 ml of liquid.


Some people try not to eat before exercise, but this is a big mistake. About an hour before exercise, you simply must eat. The calorie content of this meal should be about 200 kilocalories. This can be carbohydrate food, such as salad or pieces of sliced ​​fruit. If you are going to exercise intensively, a small amount of protein will not hurt.


As a rule, you do not eat during training. The only exception can be made if you are suddenly overtaken by an overwhelming feeling of hunger. However, if you are going on a multi-hour bike ride, be sure to take some food with you, for example, a bag of nuts. Yes, nuts are a very sports nutrition, because they allow you to restore strength.


You should not deny yourself food after training. The body simply needs to restore losses, and first of all, due to carbohydrates. But do not overdo it! Proteins should also be present in moderation in food, not to mention vitamins and microelements. A good option would be a plate of rice, oatmeal or, even better, legumes (beans, peas, beans). After exercising, nutrition should be organized so that there is not a long break in time (more than 45 minutes) between training and the subsequent meal.
Using this table, you can find out how many calories you burn when doing a certain type of sport.

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